Born in Valencia (Spain). Based in Madrid (Spain).
Bachelor degree in Psychology.
My photographic series show the relationship, sometimes contradictory, between the natural and the artificial, between animate and inanimate. I research on places or situations where something seems not to be in the right place (physical or temporal place). Although the series can be formally very different from each other, always a common theme underlying all of them, related to the human trace.
Nacido en Valencia (España). Resido en Madrid.
Licenciado en Psicología.
En mis series fotográficas se muestra la relación, en ocasiones contradictoria, entre lo natural y lo artificial, entre lo animado y lo inanimado. Investigo sobre lugares o situaciones donde algo parece no estar en el lugar correcto (lugar físico o temporal). Aunque las diferentes series pueden ser formalmente muy distintas entre sí, siempre subyace un tema común a todas ellas relacionado con la huella de lo humano.
“Sobre fotografía. Una mirada transversal desde la educación, el patrimonio, la creación y las industrias culturales” (VOR: Antes del Satélite) Ed. Universidad de Alcalá (Spain, 2024)
New Scientist Magazine (International, 2024): “See the solitary structures that once helped aircraft stay on course”:
The Guardian: The Observer The New Review (UK, 2023) “EUROPA? by Chris Burkham and Ignacio Evangelista review-thought-provoking border stories”:
CLAVOARDIENDO Magazine (Spain, 2023) “Ignacio Evangelista publica ‘EUROPA?’ una mirada a las nuevas migraciones, con textos de Chris Burkham”:
Revista MAKMA (Spain, 2023): “No me interesaba retratar la ruina del Hotel Claridge sino la potencia de su arquitectura”:
“EUROPA? “Photobook, with stories by Chris Burkham. Published by Dossier Industries (Australia) 2023:
MYCELIA Magazine (UK) Issue nº 4 (December 2020): “VOR: Before the Satellite”
PANORAMA.PM “After Schengen” (2020) :
HERITAGE AND SOCIETY, edited by Robert Kusek and Jajek Purchla, Krakow (Poland): International Cultural Centre, (2019)
CUSTOMS AND DUTY, Published by Theâtre Volière (London, UK) 2019, with poems by George Szirtes.
CLAVOARDIENDO Magazine: “FRONTERAS: Cicatrices en el mapa” (2018):
PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGAGEMENTS: Belonging and Affective Encounters in Contemporary Photography
Erika Larsson (Makadam Förlag, Sweden) 2018:
BILD OCH NATUR:Tio konstvetenskapliga betraktelser (IMAGE AND NATURE: Ten Artistic Considerations) Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences (Lund University, Sweden) 2018:
FORBES-Spain Magazine Nº 53 (May 2018): “Control Aduana: After Schengen”:
ARE WE EUROPE (A collection of European stories). 2018:
The Good Life Magazine (France) Nº 32 (February 2018): “After Schengen, les anciens postes-frontières par Ignacio Evangelista”:
TRACES Journal#04-Transmitting Contentious Heritages with the Arts (Politecnico di Milano). 2017
PUBLIC CULTURE (Duke University Press). Nr 29 (May 2017) Cover and back cover:
BIRD IN FLIGHT MAGAZINE: “The Unimaginary Line: Mexico-United States Border Fence in Ignacio Evangelista’s project”:
The Royal Photographic Society Journal-Contemporary Photography. Nr 65, Autumn 2016 “THE LINE ON THE MAP”:
El Dominical-El Periódico de Cataluña: FRONTERAS (Portada y reportaje con texto de Juan Villoro):
ARTE TV Channel: A quoi ressemblera l’Europe dans dix ans?:
L’OEIL DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE: Hamburg: Ignacio Evangelista-After Schengen European Borders:
NRC (Netherlands): Na Schengen zijn de grensposten verlaten:
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg: “Heritage and Aesthetic Displeasure: The Value of Aesthetic Discomfort Exemplified through 3 Case Studies” Dr. Yanis Díaz
POLKA Magazine: Les fantômes de Schengen:
Universitat de Barcelona:Topografías Invisibles: estrategias críticas entre Arte y Geografía:
La Vanguardia DOSSIER: Aquellas Viejas Fronteras:
CNN TV International Channel: More than just The Line on the Map:
THE EUROPEAN: Conversations-The disappearing borders inside Europe:–2/10379-the-disappearing-borders-inside-europe
YOROKOBU Magazine: La Vida Después de Schengen:
CITYLAB-THE ATLANTIC: Photographing the U.S.-Mexico Border Fence:
CNN TV International Channel: Europe’s abandoned border posts:
THE INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY: Europe’s former border stations: obsolete, desolate, but still redolent of their past:
CITYLAB-THE ATLANTIC: Photographing Europe’s Abandoned Border Crossings:
ARCHDAILY “Built Reminders of a Former Time: Europe’s Dissolved Border Crossings Photographed”:
DOMUS Magazine: “After Schengen”:
News Photographers Association of Canada NPAC / APPC: “After Schengen”
ESQUIRE #05 ESPECIAL ANIVERSARIO “¿Adiós, Schengen?” (2012)
30 y 3 Spanish Photography Now:
EXIT Imagen y Cultura #25 “Playing” (2007)
“Hotel Claridge” Galería MOA (Alarcón, Cuenca, Spain) 2023.
“La Línea del Mapa” One Shot Mercat Hotel-Nagare Art Projects (Valencia, Spain) 2019.
“La Línea del Mapa” One Shot Recoletos Hotel-Nagare Art Projects (Madrid, Spain) 2018.
“After Schengen” Europe calling: Refugee Policy–Europe and its borders. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Budapest, Hungary) 2017.
“After Schengen-European Borders” Architektur Forum Ostschweiz (St.Gallen, Switzerland) 2017.
“After Schengen-European Borders” Stiftung Mercator (Essen, Germany) 2016.
“After Schengen” Galería Utopia Parkway (Madrid, Spain), PhotoEspaña 2016.
“After Schengen-European Borders” Forum On European Culture. De Balie (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2016.
“After Schengen-European Borders” Instituto Cervantes Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) 2016.
“After Schengen” Sala de la Muralla. Colegio Mayor Rector Peset, Universidad de Valencia (Valencia, Spain) 2015.
“After Schengen” Eurotémis Les Journées Européennes. Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France) 2015.
“After Schengen-European Borders” ProjectZentrum Berlin – Stiftung Mercator. (Berlin, Germany) 2015.
“After Schengen”. Colorado Photographic Arts Center. (Denver, Colorado, USA),2014. (with David Taylor).
“After Schengen”. Center for Contemporary Arts. (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA) 2013. (CENTER Project Development Grant)
“Natural Selection/Selección Natural”. Galería Utopia Parkway. (Madrid, Spain) 2008. (Catalogue)
“Stand-By”. Galería Utopia Parkway. (Madrid, Spain) 2006. (Catalogue)
“Imitations/Imitaciones”. Museo Comarcal de la Garrotxa. (Olot, Girona) 2004. VI Bienal de Fotografía de Olot (Girona, Spain)
“The Lost Steps/Los Pasos Perdidos” Salas de Exposición de Caja España, (León, Valladolid, Palencia, Zamora; Spain) 2001. (Catalogue). Galería Utopia Parkway (Madrid, Spain), PhotoEspaña 2.001.
“CENTER Collection’s Award Winners and Alumni” CENTER’s New Gallery, Santa Fe (New Mexico, USA) 2025.
AVAM 100 x 100 (Artistas Visuales Asociados de Madrid). Galería SAN, Zapadores-Ciudad del Arte (Madrid, Spain) 2024.
IV Premio Internacional de Carteles “Felicidad-Infelicidad” Exposición de finalistas / IV International Poster Award “Hapiness-Unhapiness” Shortlisted exhibition. MuVIM- Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat (Valencia, Spain) 2024. (Catalogue)
“Conectados. 1970-2023. Energía y Econciencia” Central de Diseño, Matadero (Madrid, Spain) 2023.
Premio Internacional de Fotografía ECA-Exposición de finalistas / International Photography Award ECA- Shortlisted exhibition. Espai d´Art Contemporani Riba-roja (Valencia, Spain) 2022. (Catalogue)
“25 Años de Utopía en Madrid” Galería Utopia Parkway (Madrid, Spain) 2020.
“Luz Iberoamericana” (Colección de Fotografía de Alcobendas). Museo de Huelva (Huelva, Spain) 2019.
“Fotografía: ¿Un Arte Nuevo?” Galería Utopia Parkway (Madrid, Spain) 2019.
25 Aniversario de la Colección de Fotografía-Nuevas Adquisiciones 2013-2017. Centro de Arte Alcobendas (Madrid, Spain) 2018. (Catalogue).
Hybrid Art Fair (Madrid, Spain) Museo del Ruso (Alarcón, Spain) 2018.
“Can a line define?” The Art Gallery at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York (New York, USA) 2016. (Catalogue).
“Transvisiones 2.015” Centro de Arte Alcobendas (Madrid, Spain) PhotoEspaña 2015.(Catalogue).
“FOTOFILMIC Travelling Exhibition” DNJ Gallery (Los Angeles, USA) 2015. (Catalogue).
“New Spanish Photography-Visions Beyond Borders” FotoWeek DC, Former Spanish Ambassador’s Residence (Washington DC, USA) 2014.
“CHANGING REALITIES- Images of a World in Transition” 6th European Month of Photography, Alexanderplatz Metro Station (Berlin, Germany) 2014.
“FOTOFILMIC Travelling Exhibition” Back Gallery Project. (Vancouver, Canada) 2014. (Catalogue).
“Environmental Photographer Of The Year” (Finalists exhibition) Royal Geographical Society. (London, UK) 2014.
“New Spanish Photography-Visions Beyond Borders” King Juan Carlos Center (KJCC) New York University (New York, USA) 2014.
“EMBARCARTE” Museo Centro del Carmen. (Valencia, Spain) 2012.
“ESTAMPA Feria de Arte Contemporáneo”. Galería ARTEINVERSIÓN. (Madrid, Spain) 2009.
“Utopia en Albacete”. Museo Municipal de Albacete. (Albacete, Spain) 2009. (Catalogue).
“Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña 08”. Sala Complejo El Águila. (Madrid, Spain) 2008. (Catalogue).
“VII Bienal de Artes Plásticas de Albacete”. Museo Municipal de Albacete (Albacete, Spain) 2006. (Catalogue).
“Before and After Schengen” curated by Théâtre Volière: Bridewell Theatre, London (UK) 2018, with Georges Szirtes and Shiry Rashkovsky:
Madrid Regional Government Grants for ongoing projects in Visual Arts 2017/Ayudas a la Creación para proyectos en Artes Visuales 2017-Comunidad de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) “VOR-Before the Satellite” project.
Milan Design Week: Studio-X Amman’s lectures and roundtables: “Urban Speculation, Excess and Abandonment” Milan (Italy) 2017:
Creative Photography Workshop 05/Taller de Fotografía Creativa: “Collectives: Collaborative projects” Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (Spain) 2016 (Co-Organizer)
“Transvisones 2015” residencies program: Centro de Arte de Alcobendas, (Madrid, Spain) two months residency in Instituto Sonorense de Cultura, Hermosillo (Sonora, México).
Creative Photography Workshop 04/Taller de Fotografía Creativa: “The Blurred Camera: from Camera Lucida to Pandora´s Camera” Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (Spain) 2015 (Co-Organizer)
Finalists shortlisted EPOTY, 2.014. Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year competition, London (UK), 2014.
Creative Photography Workshop 03/Taller de Fotografía Creativa: “On Women-Sobre Mujeres” Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (Spain) 2014 (Co-Organizer)
“After Schengen” lecture: Universitat de Barcelona:Topografías Invisibles: estrategias críticas entre Arte y Geografía. Barcelona (Spain), 2013.
Award/Premio CENTER 2.013 Project Development Grant (“After Schengen” series). CENTER, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA), 2013.
Creative Photography Workshop 02/Taller de Fotografía Creativa: “The Visible and the Invisible-Lo visible y lo Invisible” Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) 2013 (Co-Organizer)
Creative Photography Workshop 01/Taller de Fotografía Creativa: “Border & Landscape-Frontera y Paisaje” Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid) 2012. (Co-organizer and Speaker)
Beca Olot Landscape Photography/Fotografía de Paisaje (Finalist with “After Schengen” series), 2011
Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña 08 (Shortlisted with”Natural Selection” series), 2008 (Catálogo)
Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña 01 (Shortlisted with”Imitations” series), 2001
Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (Spain)
Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (Bonn, Germany)
Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France)
Centro de Arte de Alcobendas (Madrid, Spain)
Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain)
CENTER (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
Several private collections